Ahmed Elmalla
Ahmed Elmalla
Expert Python, Java, and VB.NET Programming Guidance IB Computer Science Tutor AP Computer Science A Tutor Python Programming Tutor Java Programming Tutor Experienced VB.NET Coding Tutor
Ahmed Elmalla


Mastering Linear Algebra and Data Science: Top Courses and Resources for Student

Mastering Linear Algebra and Data…

Aug 04, 2024 In Python Tutor

Explore a curated collection of top linear algebra and data science courses

Wan Data Science | Algorithms | Computer Science | Python Tutoring | Malaysia

Wan Data Science | Algorithms…

Jan 15, 2024 In Python tutor in South Korea

A private tuition class resources like video's, class code and exercises

Comprehensive Roadmap to Data Science Specialization | University-Level Guidance for Korean Students

Comprehensive Roadmap to Data…

Explore the essential steps to becoming a proficient data scientist

IGCSE Resources compiled in all subjects PDF & google drive

IGCSE Resources compiled in all…

A Level, IGCSE, BTEC, IB PDF files stored on websites or google drives

Computer Science Tutor with focus on python, java and pseudo code

Computer Science Tutor with focus…

I will simplify difficult programming concepts for you

What are the top websites computer science students must visit?

What are the top websites computer…

We've compiled a list of the best resources available to help you succeed